- RDS有三種儲存
- Provisioned IOPS Storage: 高效能,貴
- General Purpose Storage: 一般用途
- Magnetic Storage: 低效能,便宜,用磁帶,超慢
- RDS要從非加密變成加密:只能手動搬
- Read-Replica在2018 Jan才support Multi-AZ deployment
- Read-Replica現在支援: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Amazon Aurora,只有MS SQL Server還不支援
Multi-AZ & Read Replication
- Can be Multi-AZ
- Use to increase performance
- Must have backups turned on
- Can be in different region
- Replication DB can be promoted to master, this will break the Read Replica
- Supported by MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, Aurora (No SQL Server)
- Use for DR
- No maintenance required, AWS do all for you
- Can be force a failover from one AZ to another by rebooting the RDS instance
- PostgreSQL / MySQL compatible
- Start with 10GB, max to 64GB auto-scaling
- Compute up to 32 vCPUs and 244GB memory
- 2 copies in each AZ; Minimum to 3 AZ, which is 6 copies by default
- Design to handle loss of 2 copies without effect availability and performance
- 3 types of replications
- Aurora Replicas: up to 15
- MySQL Read Replicas: up to 5
- PostgreSQL up to 1
- Auto-failover ONLY available on Aurora Replicas
- Aurora Replica CANOT cross region
- Auto backup is enabled by default
- Aurora是一種serverless
- 適合unpredictable workloads
- On-daemond
- Autoscaling for MySQL-compatible and PostgreSQL-compatible Aurora
- Automatically start-up, shuts down on application’s needs
- Aurora Snapshots CAN be shred to other AWS account