1473. Paint House III
Top Down DP
- 三維的DP...
from math import inf
from functools import cache
class Solution:
def minCost(self, houses: List[int], costs: List[List[int]], m: int, n: int, target: int) -> int:
def dp(i: int, count: int, pre_color: int):
if i == len(houses):
return 0 if count == target else inf
if count > target:
return inf
min_cost = inf
if houses[i] != 0:
# The house not yet paint
new_count = count + (1 if houses[i] != pre_color else 0)
return dp(i+1, new_count, houses[i])
# The house is painted, go over all possible colors
for color in range(1, n+1):
new_count = count + (1 if color != pre_color else 0)
min_cost = min(
costs[i][color-1] + dp(i+1, new_count, color)
return min_cost
min_cost = dp(0, 0, 0)
return min_cost if min_cost != inf else -1