502. IPO
Max Heap
- 官方解法
- 在每個步驟,有兩個子問題
- 找到下一個可承接的案子
- 下一個所需預算最少的案子
- 先將預算以小到大排序過
- 找到當前預算可承擔的狀況下,能夠接下的最有profit的專案
- 使用max heap維護剩餘的案子
- 找到下一個可承接的案子
from heapq import heappush, heappop
class Solution:
def findMaximizedCapital(self, k: int, w: int, profits: List[int], capitals: List[int]) -> int:
fund = w
projects = list(zip(capitals, profits))
max_heap = []
ptr = 0
for i in range(k):
while ptr < len(projects) and projects[ptr][0] <= fund:
profit = projects[ptr][1]
heappush(max_heap, -profit) # Add new available project
ptr += 1
if not max_heap:
# Choose the best project and remove it
fund += -heappop(max_heap)
return fund