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630. Course Schedule III


Top-Down DP (Timelimit Exceed)

  • Time: O(N*D) # N = len(courses); D = deepth
  • Space: O(N*D)
from functools import cache

class Solution:
def scheduleCourse(self, courses: List[List[int]]) -> int:
courses.sort(key=lambda course: course[1])

def dp(i: int, current: int):
if i == len(courses):
return 0
duration, end = courses[i]

pick_cost = 0
if (now := current + duration) <= end:
pick_cost = 1 + dp(i+1, now)

ignore_cost = dp(i+1, current)

return max(pick_cost, ignore_cost)

return dp(0, 0)

Bottom-Up DP with Max Heap

import heapq

class Solution:
def scheduleCourse(self, courses: List[List[int]]) -> int:
courses.sort(key=lambda course: (course[1], course[0]))

dp = []
current = 0
for duration, end in courses:
current += duration
heapq.heappush(dp, -duration) # Max Heap

if current > end:
current += heapq.heappop(dp)

return len(dp)