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743. Network Delay Time



from math import inf

class Solution:
def networkDelayTime(self, times: List[List[int]], n: int, k: int) -> int:
reach_times = [inf for i in range(n)]
reach_times[k-1] = 0

# Convert the graph from a list into dict, for better matching query later
mapper = dict()
for source, target, latency in times:
if source not in mapper:
mapper[source] = dict()
mapper[source][target] = min(mapper[source].get(target, inf), latency)

# DFS, or call it backtracking, go through all possible edges
def dfs(source: int, accu: int):
if source not in mapper:

for target in mapper[source]:
new_accu = accu + mapper[source][target]

# Only go deeper while the known cost of path is higher
if reach_times[target-1] > new_accu:
reach_times[target-1] = new_accu
dfs(target, new_accu)

dfs(k, 0)

max_latency = max(reach_times)
return max_latency if max_latency < inf else -1

Dijkstra Algorithm