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745. Prefix and Suffix Search


將存入Trie Tree的string做點變化,方便後續搜尋

apple為例,實際存進Trie Tree的字串為 suffix + 分隔 + prefix

  • |apple
  • e|apple
  • le|apple
  • ple|apple
  • pple|apple
  • apple|apple

當要搜尋時,因為suffix已經被展開,所以直接以相同pattern搜尋Trie tree就可得知答案


  • Time: O(N * K^2) # N: numer of words; K: longest word length
  • Space: O(N * K^2)


  • Time: O(P+S) # P: prefix length; S: suffix length
  • Space: O(1)
class WordFilter:
EOS = '#'
WI = 'WI'
def __init__(self, words: List[str]):
trie = dict()
for weight, word in enumerate(words):
for i in range(len(word)+1):
cur = trie
cur[self.WI] = weight
for char in word[i:] + self.DELIMITER + word:
cur = cur.setdefault(char, {})
cur[self.WI] = weight

cur[self.EOS] = True

self.trie = trie

def f(self, prefix: str, suffix: str) -> int:
cur = self.trie
for char in suffix+self.DELIMITER+prefix:
if char not in cur:
return -1
cur = cur[char]

return cur[self.WI]