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936. Stamping The Sequence


Find path from reverse order (Failed Try)

  • 概念上是反著找回來,找到stamp在target內的位置,視為最後一個蓋下去的章
  • 從最後一個章的位置往左右推,每次都試著找出覆蓋最大的章
  • 錯在沒考量到有時候章是跳著蓋的,不一定會跟下個章(這個解法出發的方向)有連續或重疊
  • 做個紀錄
Test CasePassed
"abc" "ababc"Passed
"abca" "aabcaca"Passed
"oz" "ooozz"Passed
"de" "ddeddeddee"Failed
from collections import deque

class Solution:
def movesToStamp(self, stamp: str, target: str) -> List[int]:
if stamp not in target:
return []

current = ['?'] * len(target)

left = target.index(stamp)
right = left + len(stamp)

# The lastest stamp, as beginning
ans = deque([left])
self.stamp_on(current, stamp, left)

# Count of the stampeed actions
step = 1

# Find largest sequence to take the stamp in the left
start = max(0, left-len(stamp))
end = min(start+len(stamp), left)
while left > 0:
if step > 10:
print("<", (start, end), ''.join(target[start:end]), stamp[:end-start])
if ''.join(target[start:end]) == stamp[:end-start]:
self.stamp_on(current, stamp, start)
left = start
start = max(0, left-len(stamp))
end = min(start+len(stamp), left)
step += 1
start += 1

# Find largest sequence to take the stamp in the right
end = min(right+len(stamp), len(target))
start = max(end-len(stamp), right)
while right < len(target):
if step > 10:
print(">", (start, end), ''.join(target[start:end]), stamp[start-end:])
if ''.join(target[start:end]) == stamp[start-end:]:
self.stamp_on(current, stamp, end-len(stamp))
right = end
end = min(right+len(stamp), len(target))
start = max(end-len(stamp), right)
step += 1
end -= 1

return ans

def stamp_on(self, current, stamp, start):
end = min(start+len(stamp), len(current))
for i in range(start, end):
if current[i] != '?':
current[i] = stamp[i-start]
print("stamp at {}: {}".format(

Offical Solution

class Solution(object):
def movesToStamp(self, stamp, target):
M, N = len(stamp), len(target)

queue = collections.deque()
done = [False] * N
ans = []
A = []
for i in range(N - M + 1):
# For each window [i, i+M),
# A[i] will contain info on what needs to change
# before we can reverse stamp at i.

made, todo = set(), set()
for j, c in enumerate(stamp):
a = target[i+j]
if a == c:
A.append((made, todo))

# If we can reverse stamp at i immediately,
# enqueue letters from this window.
if not todo:
for j in range(i, i + len(stamp)):
if not done[j]:
done[j] = True

# For each enqueued letter,
while queue:
i = queue.popleft()

# For each window that is potentially affected,
# j: start of window
for j in range(max(0, i-M+1), min(N-M, i)+1):
if i in A[j][1]: # This window is affected
A[j][1].discard(i) # Remove it from todo list of this window
if not A[j][1]: # Todo list of this window is empty
for m in A[j][0]: # For each letter to potentially enqueue,
if not done[m]:
done[m] = True

return ans[::-1] if all(done) else []