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11. Container With Most Water


Brute Force (Timelimit Exceed)

  • Time: O(NlogN)
  • Space: O(1)
class Solution:
def maxArea(self, height: List[int]) -> int:
max_amount = 0
for i in range(len(height)):
amount = 0
for j in range(i, len(height)):
amount = (j-i) * min(height[i], height[j])
max_amount = max(max_amount, amount)
return max_amount

Two Pointer

  • Time: O(N)
  • Space: O(1)
class Solution:
def maxArea(self, height: List[int]) -> int:
max_amount = 0
l, r = 0, len(height)-1

while l < r:
amount = min(height[l], height[r]) * (r-l)
max_amount = max(max_amount, amount)

if height[l] < height[r]:
l += 1
r -= 1
return max_amount