336. Palindrome Pairs
Remember Suffix in Trie Tree
is the length of logest word; N
is length of words
- Time: O(K^2+N)
- Space: O((K+N)^2)
Consider 3 cases in Word1 and Word2:
- Word1 is reversed Word2: CATTAC
- Word2 suffix is reversed Word1: CATSOLOSTAC
- Word1 prefix is reversed Word2: CATSOLOSTAC
class Solution:
def palindromePairs(self, words: List[str]) -> List[List[int]]:
# Build the trie tree
trie = {}
for i, word in enumerate(words):
cur = trie
word = word[::-1] # Build the trie tree with inverse order of the word
for j, letter in enumerate(word):
if word[j:] == word[j:][::-1]:
if 'suffix' not in cur:
cur['suffix'] = []
cur['suffix'].append(i) # Remember any suffix id (index) on the level if exist
cur = cur.setdefault(letter, {})
cur['eow'] = i
# Consider cases and find solutions
solutions = []
for i, word in enumerate(words):
cur = trie
for j, letter in enumerate(word):
# Case 3
if cur.get('eow') is not None:
if word[j:] == word[j:][::-1]:
solutions.append([i, cur.get('eow')])
if letter not in cur:
cur = cur[letter]
# Case 1
if cur.get('eow') is not None and cur['eow'] != i:
solutions.append([i, cur['eow']])
# Case 2
for j in cur.get('suffix', []):
solutions.append([i, j])
return solutions