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130 Surrounded Regions


Fail Try

Did not consider the turns of traversal...

Two cells are connected if they are adjacent cells connected horizontally or vertically.

def solve(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> None:
for m in range(1, len(board)-1):
for n in range(1, len(board[m])-1):
if board[m][n] == 'O':
left = next((nx for nx in range(n-1, -1, -1) if board[m][nx] == 'X'), None)
right = next((nx for nx in range(n+1, len(board[m])) if board[m][nx] == 'X'), None)
up = next((mx for mx in range(m-1, -1, -1) if board[mx][n] == 'X'), None)
down = next((mx for mx in range(m+1, len(board)) if board[mx][n] == 'X'), None)

# print(f"[{m}, {n}] {left} {right} {up} {down}")
if left is not None and \
right is not None and \
up is not None and \
down is not None:
board[m][n] = 'X'

Second Try (Not Correct)

Start from edge and determine by DFS alg

def solve(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> None:
for m in range(1, len(board)-1):
for n in range(1, len(board[m])-1):
if board[m][n] == 'O':
left = next((
nx for nx in range(n-1, -1, -1)
if board[m][nx] == 'X'),
right = next((
nx for nx in range(n+1, len(board[m]))
if board[m][nx] == 'X'),
up = next((
mx for mx in range(m-1, -1, -1)
if board[mx][n] == 'X'),
bottom = next((
mx for mx in range(m+1, len(board))
if board[mx][n] == 'X'),

if left is not None and right is not None and up is not None and bottom is not None:
board[m][n] = 'X'