25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group
Stack and detect length
- Time: O(N+k)
- Space: O(k) # Used on the stack
class Solution:
def reverseKGroup(self, head: Optional[ListNode], k: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:
if k < 2:
# If k == 1, nothing to be changed
return head
stack = []
dummy = ListNode(next=head)
# gpre stands for group pervious pointer
gpre, cur = dummy, head
while cur:
if len(stack) % k == 0:
# Nodes in stack is ready to be reversed
origin_next = cur.next
print("Reversing {} -> {} -> {}:".format(
[node.val for node in stack],
cur.next.val if cur.next else None
# Dummy head of the reversing part
rhead = ListNode()
rcur = rhead
while stack:
rcur.next = stack.pop()
rcur = rcur.next
rcur.next = None # To prevent loop, add back after while
# The rcur now point to the new end of the reversed linked list
# Maintain the pointers
rcur.next = origin_next
gpre.next = rhead.next
gpre = rcur
cur = rcur.next
cur = cur.next
return dummy.next